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3D-Secure protocol - safe banking

3D-Secure protocol - safe banking

If you live in the EU (outside Poland) and you pay for your orders by card, you might be asked to provide 3D secure code.

What is it?

The 3D Secure authentication is an additional fraud prevention tool that makes your transaction super secure.  A transaction using Verified-by-Visa or MasterCard SecureCode will re-direct you to the website of the card issuing bank to authorise the transaction. Each issuer (bank) could use their own authentication method, e.g. a text with an authorisation code.

How does 3D-Secure work?

If your bank uses the 3D secure,   when you are paying for your products, the transaction will be redirected to the bank website where you will be asked to confirm your transaction using a special code you will receive by text from your bank.  You can only complete the transaction if you authorise it. 

You need to contact your bank if you have any problems with payments or authorisation and you cannot process the payment.

The languages used by the protocol.








The language used by the protocol depends on your website’s preferred language.

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